Why Membership?
One of the deepest ways to get connected at New Hope is by becoming a member. Membership is a formal commitment to New Hope's vision and mission. The membership commitment communicates clearly that you represent Jesus Christ through your local church. It is a way of saying, “This is who I am and this is what matters to me.” While we have many guests to our church, members are those who are the hosts of their church home. Members are the "owners" of the church and are eligible to vote on church-wide matters and hold certain leadership positions.
Membership is open to baptized believers who have attended a membership class where you learn about New Hope's vision and beliefs.

Who is it for?
Membership is for Christians who want to play an active role in living out the mission and vision of New Hope. It's for people who want to be involved more than just on Sunday mornings. Hopefully, membership is one of the ways that God uses to grow you and mature you as you discover your gifts and use them to serve the church, the community, and the world.
How do I become a member?
Becoming a member at New Hope isn’t difficult. You can read all about membership by reading the packet below. Check out the "events" page to see if a membership class has been scheduled in the near future. Or contact the church office or a staff member if you have any follow up questions.